We are committed to providing support throughout your journey to recovery.
1063 Old Two Notch Road, Elgin, SC 29045

Education Center

Explore our extensive collection of educational materials and resources covering addiction, substance abuse prevention, recovery strategies, and coping skills. From informative articles and engaging videos to helpful infographics and downloadable resources, we're here to address common questions, concerns, and misconceptions surrounding addiction and recovery. Empower yourself with knowledge and find the guidance you need to embark on a journey towards lasting wellness.
What Does Being In Recovery
Most defined recovery as total abstinence. However, recovery goes well beyond abstinence; it is experienced as a bountiful 'new life', an ongoing process of growth, self-change and of reclaiming the self.
Safety First
Any step to reduce use or to lower the risks when using substances is a step toward wellness. Helping your loved one take prescription medications safely and keeping them as safe as possible if they use substances can be lifesaving.
Skills and Supports for Well-Being
Learn more about life skills and supports that can help your loved one live a more rewarding and fulfilling life.
Continuing Care
Recovery is an ongoing process, and your loved one will need your support to help manage their recovery over time.
Housing Support
Safe and stable housing is one of the most important needs when it comes to recovery and well-being.
Managing Relapses
Recovery is about progress, not perfection, and relapses might happen. Learn how to support your loved one and help keep them safe throughout their journey.